Lack of Context-awareness in non-queer reviewers

One thing I think is very interesting about non-queer people reviewing queer movies is that non-queer people seem to believe that the movie itself will explain all the context in overt ways and that where it doesn't it's identical to non-queer media. But that's not true. Since queer media was not just rejected but violently … Continue reading Lack of Context-awareness in non-queer reviewers

The Accessibility Revolution of the VOD

VODs are an accessibility feature, but we don't think of them that way because they also benefit non-disabled people. Once upon a time at the dawn of broadcasting, most shows were broadcast once. Technology limited what was feasible and profitable. But even when the technology changed, the industry clung to the idea that exclusivity drove … Continue reading The Accessibility Revolution of the VOD

Essay: Shield of Tomorrow Confronts Ableism Perfectly

Ep06: I Remember - Part 3 Shield of Tomorrow fans, if you found how Admiral Nash treated Rue to be offensive, please consider learning more about ableism. Those of us who are disabled, visibly or invisibly, get treated like this constantly. In obvious ways like this, and less obvious ways. What we are allowed to … Continue reading Essay: Shield of Tomorrow Confronts Ableism Perfectly